Buly 1803 | The most memorable perfume store in Paris


Paris, France


Where to find them

My good friend Will introduced me to Buly, and generally the world of bespoke and boutique fragrances, well before our spontaneous trip to Paris. It was so fun to visit Paris with him and experience all of his fragrance knowledge first hand! Before the trip, I had dabbled with the popular players like Le Labo and Byredo – both fabulous, I won’t deny it – but Buly was my first truly memorable fragrance experience, one that left me totally in awe. I hadn’t smelled any of their fragrances before, and though they were incredibly distinct and lovely, it was the store experience that truly left an impression. The visual merchandising, design, customer service and hospitality, and experience of actually sampling the fragrances, was unlike anything I had experienced before. Granted, everything in Paris just seems to be a cut above when it comes to exceptional service and design. I picked up a bottle of the Eau Triple Venus de Milo as well as a gorgeous candle in a marble jar, and am eagerly waiting for a return visit!

Photography Source: The Tangled Tomato


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